Internationalisation Tips

practical tips on building an international presence

Internationalisation Tips: i18n

You are currently browsing the Internationalisation Tips archives for the tag i18n.

The dynamic sentence creation anti-pattern

By Isofarro on March 5th, 2010 - One comment

The natural internationalisation stumbling block, particularly for technical people, is that localisation isn’t just about translating static text strings. Surprisingly, many developers and programmers fail to consider that sentences in one natural language cannot be simply translated one word at a time to another language. Differences in grammar Every human language has its own grammatical […]

Avoid text image buttons

By Isofarro on January 27th, 2009 - No comments

Localising sites should not be about recreating the same images over and over with different text and then spending days fixing layout bugs as each locale needs a different widths to comfortably fit in each text label.

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